Hello everyone!

I just couldn’t scroll past this Pin.  I was simply captivated by the beautiful colours and cool tribal inspired patterns, I knew I wanted to try this.  I would definitely recommend trying this Pin, it also makes a beautiful display.

original feathers

I found instructions on: http://diyready.com/diy-painted-feathers/

So let’s get straight into it!


  • Acrylic paint
  • Paint brush
  • Feathers


  1. Dip your brush in the first color that you want and start painting. Continue painting with the color combination that you like.
  2. Let the paint dry and prepare your black and white paint to add some design.
  3. Start designing your feather. Add some line or whatever decoration you can think of to make it look more beautiful.
  4. Let it dry and you’re done!

The Results:

my feathers

I loved making this Pin. It was a great way to get some creativity out and create something beautiful. I bought a packet of white feathers so I could keep making more as I pleased. The hardest part was coming up with cool patterns for each feather, but a quick google search fixed all that!

If you have any ideas or suggestions comment on this post and I’ll see if I can do it. Come back soon to check my next post.

-The Pin Tester

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